Friday, December 3, 2010

What i do for a living.....DANCE... IT'S MY LIFE

My Life As A Dancer
   I have been dancing at Hot Shots Dance Studio for 3 years now and I am loving it. There are so many great people there that are always with you every step of they way. I was recently in The Nutcracker, and I was a Maid, Ladies in Waiting and Waltz Corpse. We started working on the dances in September to get them ready and perfect. On Monday morning, we had our first matinee with over 500 Elementary School kids, and it was so much fun! All the kids were "booing" the Rat King and all the mice. It was SO cute! They clapped so loud and it just made the experience even better! At the end, all the kids came up to us and said good job to all of us and said it was a really great show! We had another performance Monday night and my parents came to watch it. The show went great and everyone loved it.
   We had, again, a matinee on Tuesday morning and of course, kids will be kids, and they were "booing" at the Rat King and the mice too! Everything went great, again! Closing night was on Tuesday night. I was really sad but I was also sort of happy that I could just relax for a little bit! One of my really good friends, Kylie Burr, came to Closing Night. This is what she said about the performance... "You did amazing! I kinda, sorta, fell asleep at some parts... But I watched YOU everytime you were on, and you did awesome!" If you know Kylie, that is COMPLETELY something she would say, it was way funny.

   I just love Dance with all my heart and I think I want this to be something I keep doing for a long time! I <3 HOT SHOTS DANCE STUDIO!  

Thursday, December 2, 2010

My Celebirty Crush..... JUSTIN BIEBER

My celebrity crush is Justin Bieber. When I heard his first song "Baby" I fell in love with him. Justin Bieber is the most talented and best singer I have ever heard. Justin Bieber wrote a book called "Justin Bieber first step to forever my story" I got this book for my birthday and im addicted to this book it tells all about his life, how he was discovered and what his childhood way about. Justin Bieber and Jayden Smith made a music video called never say never for Karate Kid. Justin Bieber was born on March 1, 1994 in London, Ontario, Canada. His birth name is Alex Lawrence.The activities that Justin did out side of school was... singing or playing sports but loves to be a regular kid and hang out with his friends. His favortie color is purple. Justin favorite food is spaghetti and Mcdonalds. That is my celebirty crush Justin Bieber.